Zambia’s Ministry of Health, through the National Malaria Elimination Program (NMEP) is currently implementing the Case Based Malaria Surveillance, also called Malaria Case Investigation in line with the National Malaria Elimination Strategic Plan 2022-2026.
In this regard the National Malaria Elimination Program, in partnership with the E8, planned for a 5-day workshop in Livingstone, Southern Province of Zambia, to develop the malaria foci investigation and malaria epidemic preparedness and response guidelines. The workshop was held from 6th to 12th August 2023.
The EMC secretariat was invited to attend the workshop and we shared our mandate and highlighted our possible contribution to the malaria fight. The Ministry of Health, through the NMEC Director, acknowledged that malaria case investigations require a lot of resources and as such, the EMC remains a key body positioned to support the program in many aspects.
The major outcome of the meeting was the revision of the guidelines in readiness for scale up of malaria case investigation approach to malaria elimination. Malaria case investigation is currently being piloted in selected districts of Southern province, namely, Chikankata, Mazabuka and part of Kazungula. One district (Sinda) in eastern province has also been identified for implementation before the end of the year 2023.
Thanks to ALMA for supporting the participation of the EMC secretariat. The presence of the EMC added value towards appreciating the role of various sectors in the malaria fight.